Starting a New Website Project

Let's Get Started

Our website sales process includes three steps:

Step 1: Initial Contact

Let's quickly connect via phone or email to discuss the project and timeline to figure out if we are a good match for your website (approx. 10-15 minutes). No preparation needed!

Step 2: Discovery Call

Schedule a Discovery Call to discuss the scope of the project. Click to prepare for a Discovery Call and click to schedule the meeting (30-60 minutes).

Step 3: Accept Our Bid

Review our bid and project scope and let us know if anything should be altered. One everything looks good, accept the bid and sign the agreements. Pay the deposit and we will begin the Project Kickoff stage.

Our Development Process

Our website development projects also involve three phases. Each phase fills roughly 33% of the project timeline.

Project Kickoff

"Getting Started & Collaboration"
Sign an agreement & make a deposit
Images, content, and branding
Provide access to various accounts
Content development
Page mockup designs
Page mockups approval

Implementation Phase

Prepare the WordPress environment
Build website theme templates
Implement the content & designs
Implement integrations

Revision & Launch

Review the website draft
Minor modifications to content and designs
Quality control checklist
Final testing & review
Launch & handoff
Post-launch monitoring & revisions

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“It does not take a majority to prevail… but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.” — Samuel Adams