Preparing for a Discovery Call

Your Discovery Call with ArcFires

Congratulations on taking the first step towards building a powerful online presence for your business! Our Discovery Call is a crucial part of the process where we dive deep into your project’s scope, needs, and goals. An effective Discovery Call will help us prepare an accurate bid for your project, so please come prepared!

To make the most out of our time together, the tabs above provide some resources to help you prepare.

What is a Discovery Call?

A Discovery Call is a scheduled meeting where we discuss the specifics of your website project. This is where we define what your website needs to accomplish, how it will look, and how it will function.

Your business will evolve, and your website should too. We’ll discuss how we can build a scalable website that can adapt to your future needs. 

Be prepared to discuss your budget constraints, as this will help us tailor a solution that maximizes your investment.

The Discovery Call is a two-way street. We’ll ask questions, but we also want to hear your ideas, concerns, and questions.

What Happens Next?

After the Discovery Call, we’ll send you a detailed proposal outlining the project’s scope, timeline, and cost. Once everything is agreed upon, we’ll move on to the exciting part—building your website!

These are the questions that should be answered for us to have an efficient Discovery Call. We will share a collaborative document with you and ask that you insert the answers to these questions into the document.

To get more clarification on these questions, view the Discovery Call Prep Packet in the next tab.

Your Business

  1. Tell us a little about who you are, where you work, and the services your project offers.

General Purpose of the Website

  1. What are your primary business goals?
  2. How will your website contribute to these goals?
  3. Who is your target audience?
  4. What problems does your business/website solve for your the target audience?

How Will the Website Be Used?

  1. What are the most important things users will do on your website? What actions do you want visitors to take on your site?
  2. Will you collect donations, sell products/services, or otherwise process payments on this site? (Many businesses process payments on other platforms and use the website to send traffic to a different website.) What types of products do you sell and roughly how many products/variations do you have?
  3. Is this a membership website? (Will your users have logins for the site?)

Website Content

  1. What pages should exist on the website? What does each page need to accomplish?
  2. What are the key messages you want your website to convey?
  3. What kind of information will you share with your viewers? How would you categorize those types of information? (Blog posts, events, action alerts, recipes, team members, etc.)
  4. Will you provide all of the written content for the website, or would you like our help copywriting?


  1. Gather some examples of websites that you like in your industry. What do you LIKE and DISLIKE about them?


  1. Do you/your team plan to maintain your website or will you want to retain access to our developers for support?
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“It does not take a majority to prevail… but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.” — Samuel Adams